
Objectives: To identify the frequency of common birthmarks presenting inoutpatients department of dermatology until and to increase awareness among doctor aboutthe common phenomena. Patients and Study Design: A cross sectional study. Setting: OPDof Dermatology department of Dow University Hospital. Period: January 2014 till October 2014.Methods:During a year, by using non-probability convenient sampling only 100 patients of bothgenders were enrolled in the study after ensuring inclusion, exclusion criteria. Complete historywas recorded and a thorough general physical and cutaneous examination was performed.Information was collected on predesigned questionnaire after taking informed consent. DataAnalysis was carried out on SPSS statistics software. Results: Out of 100 patients, 43% weremales and 57% were females. In 69.6% patients, the birthmarks were noticed around time ofdelivery, 28.3% patients were noticed within 1st year of life and 2.2% later in 5 year. Pigmentedbirthmarks were identified in 65.2% patients while 34.8 % have vascular birthmarks.71.1% hadno changes in color during life span. While 37.8% had 1-3 cms birthmark and 45.7% havereported an increase in birthmark. Conclusions: We found birthmarks benign; they may growwith age but they do not need treatment unless there is concern either cosmetically or they havepain and discharge.

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