
Abstract This paper analyses the market behaviour of the Moravian Church around 1800 as illustrated by the transatlantic trade with Labrador. The pietistic religious community, which originated in Herrnhut/Saxony, founded numerous missionary stations and settlements in the Atlantic world after 1732. In the course of this expansion, a broad range of trade opportunities opened up to the Moravians, which they utilised to finance their exceedingly expensive missionary activities. As this paper sets out, they founded their own Ship’s Company in London in 1770, which imported sought-after raw materials to Great Britain, such as whalebone or fur from Labrador. However, the leadership committee, known as the Unity Elders Conference, imposed strict regulations on the market activities of all Moravians. All trade activities had tobe consistent with biblical standards. This was intended to ensure that the individual merchant or missionary remained free of sin. The Unity Elders considered fair prices tobe of particular importance. This belief also served to distinguish the community from the large number of non-pietistic merchants and their trading practices.

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