
The phenomenon of return to nature and its original values is increasingly common worldwide in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. In this context, it is particularly important to pay attention to organic products, as well as the increased demand for healthy food. In these circumstances non-wood forest products (NWFPs) emerge as forestry products that meet the criteria of organic farming and as such are placed on the market. The aim of this research was to acquire knowledge about the behavior of the marketing mix elements of NWFPs in Central Serbia in the period from 2007 to 2011. The purpose of this paper was to point to the opportunities for the development of enterprises, and the overall potential of Serbia for the development of companies engaged in purchasing, processing and placement of NWFPs. The research object were the quantities of products purchased and placed on both domestic and foreign markets, the types of promotional activities, the prices of final products and distribution of the products among the enterprises engaged in purchasing, processing and placement of NWFPs in Central Serbia.


  • The purpose of this paper was to point to the opportunities for the development of enterprises, and the overall potential of Serbia for the development of companies engaged in purchasing, processing and placement of non-wood forest products (NWFPs)

  • The research object were the quantities of products purchased and placed on both domestic and foreign markets, the types of promotional activities, the prices of final products and distribution of the products among the enterprises engaged in purchasing, processing and placement of NWFPs in Central Serbia

  • Summary The ever more difficult conditions for small rural households engaged in agricultural production, the transition from monofunctional to polyfunctional forestry, the falling prices of wood products, an increasing demand for healthy food and the policies of rural development have enhanced the importance of non-wood forest products worldwide

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Анкетирано је 30 предузећа са подручја централне Србије (слика 1). На основу расположивих података омогућено је сагледавање тренда како у погледу пласмана на домаће тако и на инострано тржиште за исти временски интервал. Анализом графикона тренда укупног обима пласмана недрвних шумских производа на домаће тржиште за период од 2007 - 2011. На којима су на x–оси приказане године, а на y–оси количина пласираних производа у датој години, могу се уочити промене у кретању тренда пласмана недрвних шумских производа на домаће тржиште, тј. У том смислу, коришћени су подаци представника малих и средњих предузећа (МСП) која се баве откупом, прерадом и пласманом НДШП на подручју централне Србије. Кроз сваки од ова четири сегмента анкете настојала се створити слика о сваком елементу маркетинг микса, начину како је организован и у којој мери се разликује између појединих предузећа

11 Полен Pollen
Извоз прерађених НДШП
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