
the conventional expression for the relationship between the isobaric and isochoric heat capacities. There is no paradox if the derivatives are taken at constant pressure. I believe that this is what Stepanov intended by his statement ‘‘In the left part of Eq. D42, there is the value Cp dT. This means that we have a system with a constant pressure and want to calculate Cp dT for it, which is unknown to us. In the right part of this equation, there is a value Cv dT which is known to us. To obtain Cp dT, we have to add to Cv dT a term d(PV) which characterizes our system with a constant pressure. Therefore, in this term, P is constant.’’ Stepanov’s treatment though is incomplete in that there are other possibilities for what can be held constant in the differentiation that give an identical result. Second, one can hold the volume constant

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