
Academy of Management DiscoveriesVol. 3, No. 3 Commentaries on Previously Published ArticlesCommentary on Mindfulness in Action: Discovering How U.S. Navy SEALs Build Capacity for Mindfulness in High-Reliability Organizations (HROs)Timothy J. Vogus and Kathleen M. SutcliffeTimothy J. VogusVanderbilt University and Kathleen M. SutcliffeJohns Hopkins UniversityPublished Online:28 Apr 2017https://doi.org/10.5465/amd.2017.0047AboutSectionsView articleView Full TextPDF/EPUB ToolsDownload CitationsAdd to favoritesTrack Citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail View articleREFERENCESBraun D. E., Prusacyzk W. K., Goforth J. H. W., & Pratt N. C. 1994. Personality Profiles of U.S. Navy Sea-Air-Land (SEAL). Personnel, ▪▪▪: 94–22363 [San Diego, CA: Naval Medical Research and Development Command.]. Google ScholarCrum A. J., Salovey P., & Achor S. 2013. Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104: 716–733. Google ScholarFraher A. L., Branicki L. J., & Grint K. 2017. Mindfulness in action: Discovering how U.S. Navy SEALs build capacity for mindfulness in high-reliability organizations, Academy of Management Discoveries. Google ScholarJackall R. 1988. Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers. New York: Oxford University Press. Google ScholarMcDonald D., Norton J., & Hodgdon J. 1988. Determinants and Effects of Training Success in the U.S. Navy Special Forces. (NHRC 88-34). San Diego, CA: Naval Medical Research and Development Command. Google ScholarRochlin G. I., LaPorte T. R., & Roberts K. H. 1987. The self -designing high-reliability organization: Aircraft carrier flight operations at sea. Naval War College Review, 40: 76–90. Google ScholarSchulman P. R. 1993. The negotiated order of organizational reliability. Administration & Society, 25: 353–372. Google ScholarSchön D. A. 1983. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. New York: Basic Books. Google ScholarScott C., & Myers K. K. 2005. The socialization of emotion: Learning emotion management at the fire station. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 33: 67–92. Google ScholarVogus T. J., & Iacobucci D. 2016. Creating highly reliable health care: Reliability-enhancing work practices affect patient safety in hospitals. ILR Review, 69: 911–938. Google ScholarWeick K. E. 2006. The role of values in high-risk organizations. In E. D. HessK. S. Cameron (Eds.), Leading with Values: Positivity, Virtue, and High Performance: 55–67. New York: Cambridge University Press. Google ScholarWeick K. E., Sutcliffe K. M., & Obstfeld D. 1999. Organizing for high-reliability: Processes of collective mindfulness. In B. M. StawL. L. Cummings (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 21, 81- 123. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, Inc. Google ScholarORIGINAL ARTICLE:Fraher A.L., Branicki L.J., & Grint K. 2017. Mindfulness in action: Discovering how U.S. Navy SEALs build capacity for mindfulness in high-reliability organizations, Academy of Management Discoveries. doi:10.5465/amd.2014.0146 Google ScholarFiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Vol. 3, No. 3 Permissions Metrics in the past 12 months History Published online 28 April 2017 Published in print 1 September 2017 Information© Academy of Management DiscoveriesDownload PDF

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