
o e t p h o p t a p w On behalf of the ACR Council Steering Committee, we are providing a commentary based on the “value-added” presentations and open-microphone session comments by ACR Council members at the 2012 AMCLC. The intent of this commentary is to complement the article “Culture Shift: An Imperative for Future Survival,” by Lawrence Muroff, MD, in this issue of JACR [1]. The article by Dr Muroff represents a summary of his very insightful, inspiring, and well-articulated presentation at the 2012 AMCLC. On the basis of the presentations and comments at the value-added session at the 2012 AMCLC, there is definite concern that too many radiologists and radiation oncologists are continuing an “old-world” practice rather than adapting to the challenges and changes of the “new world” of health care expectations, economics, and reform. Years ago, the common advice given to young radiologists or radiation oncologists entering practice was to be mindful of the “3 A’s” vital to a successful career: being available, able, and affable. If one could provide the 3 A’s, success in medicine would likely follow. However, times have changed, and these 3 A’s are no longer sufficient to ensure success. Indeed, the expectations for physicians have escalated. Availability is translating into 24/7 coverage with rapid report turnaround times. Ability is evolving into demands for subspecialized interpretation of all advanced imaging studies. The growth in medib

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