
Despite the increased number of training opportunities in cosmetic surgery in the United Kingdom over the past few years, the specialty continues to face some training difficulties. Aesthetic surgery forms an important part of the curriculum for training in plastic surgery; however, exposure to patients with cosmetic problems is limited in the National Health Service. Trainees therefore must seek educational opportunities elsewhere—and this is usually toward the end of training or after a certificate of completion of training (CCT) has been obtained. Traditionally, training in cosmetic surgery entails fellowships, but alternate methods of training have been developed recently. Cosmetic surgery fellowships are available in the United Kingdom, but these are generally short term and places are limited. The Joint Committee on Surgical Training (JCST) offers 12 fellowships per year of a 3-month duration together with the deaneries, which are responsible for the delivery of postgraduate education, in 14 centers in the United Kingdom. The JCST is responsible for setting standards to enable trainees in the interface specialties such as cosmetic surgery to gain the core knowledge and practical abilities they need to conduct safe and competent consultant practice. They are …

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