
ISSN 1948-6596 the capacity to deal with numerous statistical models, ranges of initial conditions, different cli- mate projections, and many more effects. Person- ally, I never liked the idea of automatically proc- essing hundreds of species without careful consid- eration of predictor sets with regard to a specific species. However, I will now use BIOMOD even for single species projections, simply because the general framework makes ensemble forecasting so easy for us. And if one chooses to use only a few carefully chosen predictors, then BIOMOD can successfully process many species simultane- ously. news and update Thuiller, W., Lafourcade, B., Engler, R., & Araujo, M.B. (2009) BIOMOD – a platform for ensemble fore- casting of species distributions. Ecography, 32, Niklaus E. Zimmermann Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL e-mail: niklaus.zimmermann@wsl.ch http://www.wsl.ch/staff/ niklaus.zimmermann/ Edited by Thiago F. Rangel commentary Geographic patterns of establishment success among exotic bird populations Human-mediated species invasions are a major component of global environmental change and there remains a pressing need to understand the mechanisms by which a species becomes invasive. With this in mind, the key stage in the invasion pathway (sensu Williamson and Brown 1986) is species establishment. It is at this stage, when a species has been transported outside its native geographic range and released in a novel recipient environment, that a species either fails or suc- ceeds to establish an exotic population. However, while much attention has been focussed on what species-level traits determine establishment suc- cess in exotic bird populations (Blackburn et al. 2009), relatively less research has concerned the role of location-level variables. The most obvious reason for this relative ‘lack of research’ is that in most cases, compara- tive analyses have consisted of large datasets of good quality records of different species to single specific locations (e.g. Hawaii, Moulton et al. 2001; Australia, Duncan et al. 2001; New Zealand, Duncan et al. 2006) rather than repeated intro- ductions of the same species to multiple locations. Bird species are conspicuous elements of the envi- ronment and their distribution and abundance have attracted considerable research attention in the discipline of biogeography (e.g. Gaston and Blackburn 2000). It is therefore somewhat surpris- ing that autecological studies of exotic birds have received disproportionately limited research at- tention within invasion biology (Pysek et al. 2008). A recent article in the Journal of Biogeography (Strubbe and Matthysen 2009), provides a timely example of a study that addresses this bias. Diederik Strubbe and Erik Matthysen com- piled data on the introductions and establishment success of two parakeet species (ring-necked Psit- tacula krameri and monk Myiopsitta monachus parakeets) across their exotic European distribu- tion. In doing so, the authors provide one of the first comparative biogeographic studies to test environment-level features of establishment suc- cess among exotic birds. In total, 181 introduction events were used for their analysis in the exotic range. In their native ranges, parakeet occurrence was estimated using the presence-only method MAXENT (Phillips et al. 2006). For both parakeet species, individually, their establishment success in Europe was 53%. Data from environmental and climatological variables were used to test the rela- tive influence of alternative 'climate-matching' and 'human-activity' hypotheses. The authors found that parakeet establishment success was greater in areas of more dense human population settlement and, both in the native and exotic ranges, their distribution was associated with a smaller number of annual frost days. Further ex- amination revealed that both species were equally sensitive to frost in their exotic range, the major- ity of failed introductions occurring in regions with more than 50 frost days per year. Human activity can influence establishment success both indi- rectly, through habitat modification and provision frontiers of biogeography 1.2, 2009 — © 2009 the authors; journal compilation © 2009 The International Biogeography Society


  • ISSN 1948-6596 news and update the capacity to deal with numerous statistical models, ranges of initial conditions, different climate projections, and many more effects

  • Human-mediated species invasions are a major component of global environmental change and there remains a pressing need to understand the mechanisms by which a species becomes invasive

  • The key stage in the invasion pathway is species establishment. It is at this stage, when a species has been transported outside its native geographic range and released in a novel recipient environment, that a species either fails or succeeds to establish an exotic population

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ISSN 1948-6596 news and update the capacity to deal with numerous statistical models, ranges of initial conditions, different climate projections, and many more effects. Geographic patterns of establishment success among exotic bird populations The key stage in the invasion pathway (sensu Williamson and Brown 1986) is species establishment.

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