
] Mann et al. [2007a] (hereafter M07a) test the climatefield reconstruction (CFR) method known as regularizedexpectation maximization (RegEM) using pseudoproxiesderived from millennial simulations of past climate. Thesesimulations were derived from two General CirculationModels (GCMs) driven with natural and anthropogenicforcings: the National Center for Atmospheric ResearchClimate System Model (CSM) [Boville et al., 2001] andthe Hamburg Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled CirculationModel (ECHO-g) [Legutke and Voss, 1999]. There has beensome discussion about the amplitude of millennial changesin simulations from these two GCMs [Goosse et al., 2005;Mann et al., 2005; Osborn et al., 2006; Gonza´lez-Rouco etal., 2006], particularly with regard to how it may impact theassessment of CFR methods in pseudoproxy experiments[Mannetal.,2005;Mann,2007;Zoritaetal.,2007;Mannetal., 2007a, 2007b].[

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