
Departamento de Fi´sica de la Materia Condensada, C.P.S.U.Z., Universidad de Zaragoza, 50015 Zaragoza, Spain~Received 7 October 1996!A new approach for examining the various superconducting pairing states was proposed by Xu, Miller, andTing @Phys. Rev. B 51, 424 ~1995!#. The method consists of investigating the levitation force measured by amagnetic force microscope tip above a superconducting sample. Nevertheless, the quantitative analysis ofexperimental results needs to take into account important geometrical effects. In this Comment I show that,related to several physical arguments, the geometrical coefficients given by the authors admit much moresimple expressions, allowing straightforward calculations for practical purposes. Furthermore, the method ispresented for extending their linear theory to higher-order approximations.@S0163-1829~97!00918-1#

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