
Nitrous acid (HONO) is an important atmospheric gas given its contribution to the cycles of NOx and HOx, but its role in global atmospheric photochemistry is not fully understood. This study, for the first time, implemented three pathways of HONO formation in the chemistry-climate model CHASER (MIROC-ESM) to explore three physical phenomena: gas-phase kinetic reactions (GRs), direct emission (EM), and heterogeneous reactions on cloud/aerosol particles (HRs). We evaluated the simulations by the atmospheric measurements from the OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument), EANET (Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in eastern Asia) / EMEP (European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) ground-based stationary observations, observations from the ship R/V Mirai, and aircraft-based measurements by ATom1 (atmospheric tomography) and EMeRGe-Asia-2018 (Effect of Megacities on the Transport and Transformation of Pollutants on the Regional to Global scales). We showed that the inclusion of the HONO chemistry in the modeling process reduces the model bias against the measurements for PM2.5, NO3−/HNO3, NO2, OH, O3, and CO, especially in the lower troposphere and the North Pacific (NP) region. We found that the retrieved global abundance of tropospheric HONO was 1.4 TgN. Of the three source pathways, HRs and EM contributed 63 % and 26 % to the net HONO production, respectively. We also observed that, reactions on the aerosol surfaces contributed larger amounts of HONO (51 %) than those on the cloud surfaces (12 %). The model exhibited significant negative biases for daytime HONO in the Asian off-coast region, compared with the airborne measurements by EMeRGe-Asia-2018, indicating the existence of unknown daytime HONO sources. Strengthening of aerosol uptake of NO2 near-surface and in the middle troposphere, cloud uptake, and direct HONO emission are all potential yet-unknown HONO sources. We also found that the simulated HONO abundance and its impact on NOx-O3 chemistry are sensitive to the yield of the heterogeneous conversion of NO2 to HONO (vs. HNO3). Inclusion of HONO reduces global tropospheric NOx (NO + NO2) levels by 20.4 %, thereby weakening the tropospheric oxidizing capacity, which in turn, increases CH4 lifetime (13 %) and CO abundance (8 %). HRs on the surfaces of cloud particles, which have been neglected in previous modeling studies, are the main drivers of these impacts. This effect is particularly salient for the substantial reductions of levels of OH (40–67 %) and O3 (30–45 %) in the NP region during summer given the significant reduction of NOx level (50–95 %). In contrast, HRs on aerosol surfaces in China (Beijing) enhance OH and O3 winter mean levels by 600–1700 % and 10–33 %, respectively, with regards to their minima in winter. Overall, our findings suggest that a global model that does not consider HONO heterogeneous mechanisms (especially HRs on cloud particle surfaces) may erroneously predict the effect of HONO in remote areas and polluted regions.


  • Nitrous acid (HONO) is an important atmospheric gas as it participates in the cycles of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2)40 and radical chemistry (OH, HO2, and RO2) (Kanaya et al, 2007; Ren et al, 2013; Whalley et al, 2018)

  • Our findings suggest that a global model that does not consider HONO heterogeneous mechanisms may erroneously predict the effect of HONO in remote areas and polluted regions

  • The newly added HONO system includes three pathways of HONO formation and interactions: (1) gas phase formation via the NO + OH reaction (R2), the 120 photolysis of HONO (R1), and the reaction of HONO with OH (R3), hereafter denoted as gasphase kinetic reactions (GRs); (2) HONO direct emissions estimated from anthropogenic- and soil-NOx emissions; and (3) the HONO conversion from NO2 (R4, R5) and its loss on liquid/ice surfaces and aqueous aerosols (R6), which is hereafter denoted as heterogeneous reactions on cloud/aerosol particles (HRs)

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Given the widespread occurrence of nitrite-fertilized soil in natural environment, highly acidic soils are arguably the strong sources of HONO and OH (Su et al, 2011) This potentially important source has been likely overseen by many previous modeling studies at both global and regional scales. 85 For instance, HONO-induced enhancements in winter daytime HOx (up to >200% for OH) and O3 (6–12%) over urban sites in China have been reported (Li et al, 2011; Lu et al, 2018; Zhang et al, 2016) Another global modeling study suggested that O3 levels are enhanced in response to additional OH production from the HONO photolysis only in high-NOx regions, despite they can be decreased in some areas under low NOx conditions (Jorba et al, 2012).

Global chemistry model
Experimental setup
Observation data for model evaluation
Verification for cloud fraction, surface aerosol density, and tropospheric column ozone
Effects of HONO chemistry in coastal regions
Effects of HONO chemistry in the free troposphere
Comparison of measured and simulated HONO concentrations at daytime
Global HONO distribution and budgets
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