
In Phys. Rev. D 102, 024057 (2020), the authors studied energy conditions in $f(Q)$ theory following the same path as researchers handled the energy conditions in the curvature-based modified gravity theories, like $f(R)$ or $f(R,G)$ theories. However, the field equations in the $f(Q)$ theory was not expressed as an effective theory in the literature earlier and in the above mentioned paper [1], the authors claimed that the pressure and energy density follow a set of energy condition criteria without showing how they came to this conclusion. In this comment, we express $f(Q)$ theory as an effective theory in Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe. And from there, the correct energy conditions are obtained in the traditional (general relativistic) way. Unfortunately, some missing terms in the published work [1] are noticed.

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