
<strong class="journal-contentHeaderColor">Abstract.</strong> Propionate is an important intermediate during the breakdown of organic matter in anoxic flooded paddy soils. Since there are only few experiments on carbon isotope fractionation and the magnitude of the isotopic enrichment factors (&epsilon;) involved, we measured propionate conversion to acetate, CH<sub>4</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub> in anoxic paddy soils. Propionate consumption was measured using samples of paddy soil from Vercelli (Italy) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, the Philippines) suspended in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), both in the absence and presence of sulfate (gypsum), and of methyl fluoride (CH<sub>3</sub>F), an inhibitor of aceticlastic methanogenesis. Under methanogenic conditions, propionate was eventually degraded to CH<sub>4</sub> with acetate being a transient intermediate. Butyrate was also a minor intermediate. Methane was mainly produced by aceticlastic methanogenesis. Propionate consumption was inhibited by CH<sub>3</sub>F. Whereas butyrate and CH<sub>4</sub> were <sup>13</sup>C-depleted relative to propionate, acetate and CO<sub>2</sub> were <sup>13</sup>C-enriched. The isotopic enrichment factors (&epsilon;<sub>prop</sub>) of propionate consumption, determined by Mariotti plots, were in a range of -8 &permil; to -3.5 &permil;. Under sulfidogenic conditions, acetate was also transiently accumulated, but CH<sub>4</sub> production was negligible. Application of CH<sub>3</sub>F hardly affected propionate degradation and acetate accumulation. The initially produced CO<sub>2</sub> was <sup>13</sup>C-depleted, whereas the acetate was <sup>13</sup>C-enriched. The values of &epsilon;<sub>prop</sub> were -3.5 &permil;. It is concluded that degradation of organic carbon via propionate to acetate and CO<sub>2</sub> involves only little isotope fractionation. The results further indicate a major contribution of <em>Syntrophobacter</em>-type propionate fermentation under sulfidogenic conditions and <em>Smithella</em>-type propionate fermentation under methanogenic conditions. This interpretation is consistent with data of the microbial community composition published previously for the same soils.

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