
Accurate remote sensing-based snow water equivalent (SWE) estimates have been elusive, particularly in mountain areas, however, there now appears to be some potential for direct satellite-based SWE observations along ground tracks that only cover a portion of a spatial domain (e.g., watershed). Fortunately, spatiotemporally continuous meteorological and surface variables could be leveraged to infer SWE in the gaps between satellite ground tracks. Here, we evaluate statistical and machine learning (ML) approaches to perform a track-to-area (TTA) transformation of synthetic SWE observations in California’s Upper Tuolumne River Watershed. We construct relationships between multiple meteorological and surface variables and synthetic SWE observations along observation tracks, and we then extend this relationship to unobserved areas between ground tracks to estimate SWE over the entire watershed. Domain-wide April 1st SWE inferred using two satellite tracks (~4.5 % basin coverage) resulted in percent error of basin-averaged SWE of 24.5 %, 4.5 %, and 6.3 % in an extreme dry year (WY2015), a normal year (WY2008) and an extraordinarily wet year (WY2017), respectively. Assuming a 10-day overpass interval, percent errors in basin-averaged SWE in both snow accumulation and snowmelt seasons were mostly less than 10 %. We employ feature sensitivity analysis to overcome the black-box nature of ML methods and increase the explainability of the ML results. Our feature sensitivity analysis shows that precipitation is the dominant variable controlling the TTA SWE estimation, followed by net longwave radiation. We find a modest increase in SWE estimation accuracy when more than two ground tracks are leveraged. Accuracy of Apr 1st SWE estimation is only modestly improved for track repeats more often than about 15 days.

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