
To better understand the chemical controls of sub- and super-saturated aerosol water uptake, we designed and conducted a series of chamber experiments to investigate the evolution of aerosol physicochemical properties during SOA formation from the photochemistry of single or mixed biogenic (α-pinene, isoprene) and anthropogenic (o-cresol) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of ammonium sulphate seeds. During the six-hour experiments, the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity at super-saturation of water (0.1 ~ 0.5 %), hygroscopic growth factor at 90 % RH, and non-refractory PM1 chemical composition were recorded concurrently. The hygroscopicity parameter κ was used to represent water uptake ability below and above water saturation, and the κ-KÓ§hler approach was implemented to predict the CCN activity from the sub-saturated hygroscopicity. The sub- and super-saturated water uptake (in terms of κHTDMA and κCCN) were mainly controlled by the SOA mass fraction which depended on the SOA production rate of the precursors, and the SOA composition played a second-order role. For the reconciliation of κHTDMA and κCCN, the κHTDMA / κCCN ratio increased with the SOA mass fraction and this was observed in all investigated single and mixed VOC systems, independent of initial VOC concentrations and sources. For all VOC systems, the mean κHTDMA of aerosol particles was ~ 25 % lower than the κCCN at the beginning of the experiments with inorganic seeds. With the increase of condensed SOA on seed particles throughout the experiments, the discrepancy of κHTDMA and κCCN became weaker (down to ~ 0 %) and finally the mean κHTDMA was ~ 60 % higher than κCCN on average when the SOA mass fraction approached ~ 0.8. This is possibly attributable to the non-ideality of solutes at different RH or the different co-condensation of condensable organic vapours within the two instruments. As a result, the predicted CCN number concentrations from the κHTDMA and particle number size distribution were ~ 10 % lower than CCN counter measurement on average at the beginning, and further even turned to an overestimation of ~ 20 % on average when the SOA mass fraction was ~ 0.8. This chemical composition-dependent performances of κ-KÓ§hler approach on CCN prediction can introduce a variable uncertainty in predicting cloud droplet numbers from the sub-saturated water uptake.


  • The sub- and super-saturated water uptake were mainly controlled by the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) mass fraction which depended on the SOA production rate of the precursors, and the SOA 30 composition played a second-order role

  • Considering the small fraction of nitrate in the inorganic seed particles in this study and comparable water uptake ability with sulphate (Kreidenweis and Asa-Awuku, 2014), it may be expected that the overall hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity will be highly related to the 215 MRSOA/PM

  • As different volatile organic compounds (VOCs) systems have different SOA yield and reactivity with oxidants, and the oxidation conditions varied in the different systems, the mass and the production rate of SOA varied with the VOC 220 systems

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Aerosol-cloud interactions, that is how aerosol particles influence cloud formation, largely influence Earth radiation budget and the current climate projections (Boucher et al, 2013;Lohmann and Feichter, 2005;Bellouin et al, 2020). The organic aerosol components are less soluble and less hygroscopic than the referenced inorganic compounds (e.g. sulphate, nitrate) (Sun and Ariya, 2006;Alfarra et al, 2013;McFiggans et al, 2006;Topping et al, 2013a;Kreidenweis and Asa-Awuku, 2014;Liu et al, 2018;Huff Hartz et al, 2005;King et al, 2009;Good et al, 2010b), they can play an important role in the cloud formation globally due to its ubiquitous large fraction (20 ~ 90 %) in fine particulate matter mass (Kanakidou et al, 2005;Jimenez et al, 2009;Zhang et al, 2007). Our understanding of its hygroscopicity and CCN activity remains uncertain, due to the wide range of solubility, volatility and complex composition of organic compounds from different sources (Hallquist et al, 2009;Goldstein and Galbally, 2007;Shrivastava et al, 2017)

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