
The institution of the participation of the social factor in the justice in Poland has a long and well-established tradition. In accordance with Art. 4 of the Law on the System of Common Courts, citizens take part in administering justice through the participation of lay judges in hearing cases before courts in the first instance. The jurors are elected by the borough councils for a four-year term. Dismissal of a lay judge before the end of his term of office is possible in the cases enumerated in the Act. This article attempts to analyse the issue of the impact of the circumstances of instituting private indictment against a lay judge on the possibility of dismissing a lay judge from his function at the request of the president of the court. The article presents the following problems and issues: is the initiation of a general criminal procedure against a lay judge for an offense prosecuted on a private indictment basis for the dismissal of a lay judge by the municipal council?; Does instituting criminal proceedings against a person for an offense prosecuted by private indictment prevent that person from standing for the post of a common court lay judge? Is a person running for the post of a common court lay judge obliged to disclose in the course of the procedure of electing lay judges (before being elected by the borough council) that there are private criminal proceedings against that person? The findings made by the authors lead to the conclusion that in the event of instituting private criminal proceedings against a lay judge, the provision of Art. 166 § 2 point 3 of the Act on the System of Common Courts does not apply, and the fact of prosecuting a lay judge as a result of bringing a private indictment to a court should not constitute the basis for a motion by the president of the court to the municipal council to dismiss a lay judge from his function.

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