
Until quite recently, the Quadrantid meteor stream was considered to be an orphan. Because of the difficulty in accounting for the large difference in the longitudes of the ascending nodes, McIntosh suggested that Comet Machholz and the stream have a sibling rather than a parent-child relationship. Gonczi, Rickman & Froeschle proposed that gravitational perturbations by Jupiter may be amplified sufficiently by the 2:1 resonance of the stream with Jupiter to explain the difference in the longitudes of ascending nodes if the stream was born when the comet's perihelion distance was last at its minimum about 4000 yr ago. In this paper, we show by computer simulations that, if the comet was captured at its last close approach with Jupiter about 2200 yr ago, there has been sufficient time for the resulting stream to produce most of the features of the presently observed Quadrantid/Arietid/Southern δ-Aquarid complex

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