
Website is a necessity in today's digital era, especially the website of a government that operationalizes electronic government systems. One of the cases is Penyedia Jasa Lainnya Elektronik (e-PJLP), an electronic individual service provider system of the Provincial Government of Special Capital Territory (PG-SCT) Jakarta. The website use has a role to simplify and improve employee performance in processing data and information, but in the implementation found several complaints, namely, frequent errors on the website when logging in and salary calculation, incomplete information, and doubts regarding website security. This research was conducted to determine the quality of e-PJLP websites based on user perceptions. Research instruments used the Webqual 4.0 method with 3 main variables (usability quality, information quality, and service interaction quality) and 2 additional variables (design interface quality and reliability quality). The analysis of the results of the study uses the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method. Instrument reliability and validity tests were carried out using SPSS 25 software. Data analysis was performed using a web quality index (WQI), gap analysis, and IPA. The results of the gap analysis in this study presented the negative results in all indicators. It is indicated that the quality of the website does not match the expectations of its users. The biggest gap is in the reliability quality variable with an average value of −0.25 and the smallest gap design interface quality variable with an average value of −0.12. Two indicators need improvement, namely having competency values (UQ7) and a guarantee of personal information security (SQ18). suggestions for the developer is to improve the quality of the website based on the user's perspective to improve the quality.

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