
Several barriers still hamper the effective implementation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). Among the others, this work focuses on collaboration barriers. NBS implementation claims for effective collaboration among different decision-agents. However, ambiguity in problem framings, which is ineradicable in multi-agents’ decision environments, could create collaboration barriers. This work aims to demonstrate that collaboration barriers to NBS implementation can be overcome by enhancing the network of interactions among the decision-agents. An innovative method based on the integration between Social Network Analysis and hybrid Agent-Based Model/System Dynamic Model was adopted to this aim. The analysis results were used for designing networking interventions, i.e. efforts using social network characteristics that could enhance interactions mechanisms among decision-agents. The developed method was implemented in the Medina del Campo (Spain) case study. This area is characterised by one of the most critical groundwater bodies of the Duero River Basin. This work aims at supporting the implementation of suitable NBS to stop the degradation of the groundwater status and associated ecosystem services. The activities carried out within the framework of the NAIAD project showed that, by enhancing the interaction mechanisms, ambiguity in problem frames can still yield collective actions for NBS implementation.

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