
The effects of combining a reduced-risk product (Safer's Soap), a trap crop (eggplant) and a yellow sticky trap on Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) settling and oviposition on sweet peppers were evaluated. In container bioassays, five reduced-risk products used at a 2% concentration were compared, of which Safer's Soap and olive oil were found to significantly reduce both adult settling and oviposition on pepper leaf disks. In cage bioassays, whitefly adult settling, oviposition and gender were compared between six treatment combinations made up of two spray treatments (1) untreated main crop and (2) treated main crop (5% Safer's Soap) and three trap treatments (1) pepper (control), (2) trap crop (eggplant), and (3) trap crop (eggplant) + yellow sticky trap. Results demonstrate that eggplant trap crops and eggplant combined with yellow cards reduced adult settling on main crops by 31.5 and 40.9% respectively. Treating main crops with 5% Safer's Soap only reduced the proportion of adults by 6% and no significant advantage was obtained by combining the traps with the sprays.

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