
Computing vision introduced by Mark Weiser in the early '90s has defined the basis of what is called now ubiquitous computing. This new discipline results from the convergence of powerful, small and affordable computing devices with networking technologies that connect them all together. Thus, ubiquitous computing has brought a new generation of service-oriented architectures (SOA) based on context-aware services. These architectures provide users with personalised and adapted behaviours by composing multiple services according to their contexts. In this context, the objective of this paper is to propose an approach for context-aware semantic-based services composition. Our contributions are built around following axes: 1) a semantic-based context modelling and context-aware semantic composite service specification; 2) an architecture for context-aware semantic-based services composition using artificial intelligence planning; 3) an intelligent mechanism based on reinforcement learning for context-aware selection in order to deal with dynamicity and uncertain character of modern ubiquitous environment.

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