
Suspended particulate matter (SPM) is the primary component of coastal waters. The spatiotemporal dynamics of SPM has an important influence on water bio-optical properties, pollutant diffusion, landform evolution, and carbon, oxygen, and nutrient cycles. This study presents the spatial distribution of monthly average SPM concentrations from 2017 to 2020 in the abandoned Diaokouhe and Shenxiangou distributary mouths of the Yellow River Delta (YRD). The SPM concentrations were derived based on 161 Landsat-8 OLI and Sentinel-2A/B MSI satellite images. Accuracy assessment using the synchronous in-situ measurements (R2 = 0.91, root mean square error (RMSE) = 38.79 mg/L, and relative percentage difference (RPD) = 23.45%) and cross comparison between SPM concentrations derived from the two sensors (R2 = 0.97, RPD = 8.77%) showed convincing performances. Our results show that the monthly average SPM is characterized by significant seasonality, with a higher concentration and wider range in dry seasons compared to that in wet seasons. The spatial distributions of SPM are closely associated with coastal water depths. The SPM concentration in the Shenxiangou mouth is always lower than that of the shallower Diaokouhe mouth. The long-term seabed erosion provides a continuous supply of sediment. Wind-wave forces explain the seasonal variations of SPM by inducing the resuspension of bottom sediments. The residual currents control the transportation of SPM to the offshore and to the east. The artificial groins located between the two river mouths show obvious sediment trapping effects. Moreover, the interception capability of impermeable groins is considerably better than that of permeable groins.

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