
Abstract Integration of dynamic data typically requires the solution of an inverse problem that can be computationally intensive and practically infeasible for fine scale reservoir models. In this paper we present a new methodology to directly update fine scale geostatistically-based reservoir models by combining gradual deformation parameterization for the fine scale geostatistical model and an upscaling technique for the coarse scale flow simulation model. The proposed methodology includes: Perturbation of the fine scale geostatistical model using the gradual deformation parameterization. Gradual deformation ensures the preservation of the overall geostatistical properties of the fine model. Generation of the coarse scale flow simulation model by upscaling the fine scale geostatistical model. Sensitivity computation of the flow simulation results with respect to the fine scale parameterization. This sensitivity computation is analytical and takes into account the upscaling process. Direct updating of the fine scale geostatistical model using classical optimization process. Direct updating ensures consistency between the fine and coarse scale models. The accuracy of the proposed methodology was improved by calibrating the flow simulation model. The objective of this calibration is to reduce the error introduced by the upscaling step during the flow simulation. We applied successfully our methodology for fine scale reservoir description by integrating permanent down-hole gauge measurements directly into a three-dimensional geostatistical model containing about two million grid blocks. This test is designed to highlight several key issues of the proposed methodology: Efficiency of the upscaling step coupled with gradient-based optimization to speed up the history matching process. Usefulness of the calibration step for a correct integration of upscaling techniques in history matching. Capability of the methodology for maintaining consistency and coherency between fine scale and coarse scale models. Improvement of the reservoir characterization by integrating dynamic data at the fine geostatistical scale. We conclude that the proposed methodology can be used effectively and efficiently for reservoir characterization purposes.

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