
While analyzing the performance of state-of-the-art R-CNN based generic object detectors, we find that the detection performance for objects with low object-region-percentages (ORPs) of the bounding boxes are much lower than the overall average. Elongated objects are examples. To address the problem of low ORPs for elongated object detection, we propose a hybrid approach which employs a Faster R-CNN to achieve robust detections of object parts, and a novel model-driven clustering algorithm to group the related partial detections and suppress false detections. First, we train a Faster R-CNN with partial region proposals of suitable and stable ORPs. Next, we introduce a deep CNN (DCNN) for orientation classification on the partial detections. Then, on the outputs of the Faster R-CNN and DCNN, the algorithm of adaptive model-driven clustering first initializes a model of an elongated object with a data-driven process on local partial detections, and refines the model iteratively by model-driven clustering and data-driven model updating. By exploiting Faster R-CNN to produce robust partial detections and model-driven clustering to form a global representation, our method is able to generate a tight oriented bounding box for elongated object detection. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two typical elongated objects in the COCO dataset, and other typical elongated objects, including rigid objects (pens, screwdrivers and wrenches) and non-rigid objects (cracks). Experimental results show that, compared with the state-of-the-art approaches, our method achieves a large margin of improvements for both detection and localization of elongated objects in images.

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