
RSA algorithm is one type of algorithms in public-key cryptographic systems where the private keys are kept secret and the public keys can be disseminated. Beaufort Cipher algorithm is a type of classical symmetric algorithm. Meanwhile, the RSA-CRT is one variant of RSA cryptosystem. The RSA-CRT is not efficient for encrypting large files such as image files, since it uses modular exponentiation, which is slow, and the resulting ciphertext would be very much larger than the message. To avoid this problem, a hybrid cryptosystem scheme using RSA-CRT and Beaufort algorithm is designed to encrypt images. Beaufort Cipher algorithm is used for encryption and decryption of digital images, while RSA-CRT algorithm for decryption and decryption of beaufort cipher keys. The results showed that the size of the image (*.BMP) files and the encrypted image files are the same.

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