
The present investigation was made to study the combining ability and gene action in sunflower. Five standardCMS lines and nine restorers were included as parental material. Forty five hybrids were developed and evaluated in RBD at Oilseeds Research Station, Latur during Rabi season 2018-2019 for 9 characters viz., days to 50 percent flowering, days to maturity, plant height, head diameter, seed yield per plant, seed filling percentage, 100 seed weight, volume weight and oil content.CMS 10A was good general combiner for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, head diameter, 100 seed weight, seed yield per plant, volume weight and seed filling percentage. Similarly CMS 519A and CMS 62A were found to be good general combiners for seed yield and component traits. Among the testers, TSG-04 was good general combiner for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height and 100 seed weight. Similarly, TSG-281 and SCG-04 exhibited good general combining ability for oil content and component traits. Out of 45 hybrids, five hybrids viz. CMS 62A X SCG-04, CMS 234-1017A X TSG-327, CMS 234-1017A X TSG-111, CMS SUN-35-519A X TSG-289 and CMS 519A X TSG-289 exhibited the significant desirable sca effect for seed yield and component traits. The variance component due to specific combining ability was greater in magnitude than that of general combining ability for all the characters except seed yield per plant, volume weight and seed filling which indicated that the nonadditive gene action played important role for the inheritance of these traits whereas seed yield per plant, volume weight and seed filling were governed by additive gene action.

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