
The experiment was conducted with 10 parents and their 45 F1s (half diallel) during crop seasons (2008/09 and 2009/10) under normal and heat-stress environment to find out combining ability effects. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences for all the traits at genotypic level under both normal and heat-stress environment. The significant additive variance (D) and dominance variance (H1) indicated that, expression of these traits is controlled by both additive and non-additive gene action. Among the parents, there was asymmetrical distribution of positive and negative dominant genes and preponderance of over-dominance gene action for all the traits under both the environment. Estimates of narrow-sense heritability were higher for days to 50% flowering; days to maturity; plant height and spike length. Our results also indicated that only three parents (HD 2285 for grain filling duration and thousand grains weight; PBW 373 for the days to maturity and plant height and UP 2425 for number of tillers and grain yield) had favorable general combining ability (GCA) effects under normal sown environment. While under heat-stress environment, cultivar HD 2285 showed highest GCA effect for days to 50% flowering, grain filling duration and thousand grain weight; HD 2733 for plant height and protein content; and PBW 373 for number of tillers and grain yield. Five cross combinations showed contrasting favorable specific combining ability (SCA) effect for more than one trait under both normal and heat-stress environment. Attempting combinations involving parents with high GCA for desirable yield components could be useful. The traits showing more than 35 percent narrow-sense heritability could be rewarding for further improvement of grain yield and protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

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