
To assess the utility of the combined use of pectoralis major myocutaneous (PMMC) flap and deltopectoral flap (DP) in advanced oral cavity cancers in the Indian population. It is a retrospective study, considering 29 patients with stage IV carcinoma of the oral cavity, from July 2015 to February 2019. Both pectoralis major Myocutaneous flaps and deltopectoral flaps were used for stage IV oral cancers involving the full-thickness cheek and the mandibular cortex. The reliability of the flaps and clinical outcomes were evaluated in the postoperative period. Of the 29 patients, partial necrosis of the skin island was detected in 6 patients, 2 patients presented with wound dehiscence, and one patient had an orocutaneous fistula. Recurrence was detected in 3(10.34%) patients, inone patient, it wasat the primary site and in2 patients, it wasin the neck. When different parameters were compared between the patients with complications and without complications, the comorbidities like smoking and alcohol intake adversely affected the flapsurvival in the postoperative period. The combined use of PMMC and DP flap can be a reliable option for advanced oral malignancies, especially in patients with poor performancestatus with the coexisting chronic illness. Due to the presence of a definite vascular pedicle, ease of harvesting the flap, quick surgical procedure, and the minimal postoperative morbidities, these pedicle flaps can be successfully used alternative to the free flaps in advanced oral cancers, especially patients with a low socioeconomic corridor like India.

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