
Visual colour degradation of tomato puree and strawberry juice at three different pH values (2.5, 3.7 and 5) during thermal (100–140 °C, 0–120 min) and high pressure thermal (300–700 MPa, 60 min, 65 °C) treatments were studied. Hunter colour scale values L ∗, a ∗ and b ∗ of each treated sample were measured. Results indicated that the thermal degradation of tomato and strawberry colour followed first order kinetics (fractional conversion model). The L ∗ a ∗/ b ∗ parameter combination described best the colour change of all samples. The activation energies for the different material were 129.12, 181.40, 162.60, 85.77 kJ/mol × 10 −2 for tomato puree, strawberry at pH 2.5, strawberry at pH 3.7, and strawberry at pH 5, respectively. Colour of strawberry at pH 5 was less heat stable but the degradation constants were less sensitive to temperature changes. No colour degradation of tomato appeared under combined thermal and high pressure treatment; a maximum increase of 8.8% in L ∗ a ∗/ b ∗ parameter was found for strawberry samples (pH 5).

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