
One of the goals in developing synchrotron radiation x-ray computed tomography (SRCT) for biomedical specimens, is allowing particular tissues and cell types to be marked in the images. This is equivalent to the staining in histology, which enables researchers to visualise and measure tissue structure and biochemical processes within the specimen. Some progress in this direction for SRCT is being made, using a variety of contrast agents that alter the natural x-ray attenuation of the marked tissue [1]. However there are limits to the usefulness of these attenuation altering techniques. Often high concentrations of potentially disruptive chemicals are required with reduced compatibility for in-vivo studies. Another image highlighting technique which might prove more sensitive is x-ray fluorescence imaging. In this case usually endogenous elemental markers are visualised. We would like to develop a lower resolution, but wider field of view means of three-dimensional (3-D) fluorescence imaging compatible with SRCT. We have previously proposed a technique in which x-ray fluorescence CT (FXCT) and SRCT data can be collected simultaneously [2]. This work resulted in proof of concept modelling, and a simple experiment test system. We show data here which demonstrate a two-dimensional (2-D) reconstruction of an iodine fluorescence map from a phantom. Measurements were performed with a fixed beam modulating mask using the Imaging and Medical beam line (IMBL) at the Australian Synchrotron. Fluorescence data was obtained during a CT scan using a single point detector, while transmission data was simultaneously collected using an area detector. A maximum likelihood expectation maximisation (MLEM) iterative algorithm was used to reconstruct the fluorescence map. We report on technique development and now believe compressive sensing (CS) imaging techniques suit SRCT and may overcome the issues encountered so far in combining SRCT and FXCT.

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