
An attempt has been made to investigate the structural changes occurring in a heavily cold-deformed Cu-9Ni-6Sn alloy consequent upon aging at two different temperatures of 350°C and 600°C. At the lower temperature of aging a fine continuous ordered precipitate forms first in the highly dislocated matrix, followed by combined discontinuous recrystallization and precipitation of the equilibrium (Cu, Ni)3 Sn particles. Aging at the higher temperature seems to produce recrystallization of the deformed matrix first, followed by discontinuous precipitation. In this connection the role of deformation bands in nucleating the discontinuous reaction fronts has been discussed. The crystallographic texture of the fully recrystallized alloy has been found to be very much the same as that of the cold-deformed alloy and can be characterized as {110}«112» plus {110}«001». Aging beyond the primary recrystallization stage seems to alter the relative predominance of these texture components.

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