
Besides rest position abnormalities, exotropia could also be due to hypertonia of the Lateral Recti (LR) given divergence frequently decreases under general anesthesia (GA). Combined Recession-Resection of the Same Muscle (RRSM) is a promising alternative to the Faden procedure in the surgical treatment of overacting MR in esotropia. We thus examined here the effectiveness of combined RRSM of the LR for the treatment of exotropia that decrease under GA. We performed a retrospective, single-center evaluation over a 16-month period of 100 patients operated on for exotropia that decreased under deep GA (91% of 110 consecutive operated cases). We excluded re-operations and pure convergence insufficiencies. We performed a combined RRSM of one or two LR. It included a 10mm-recession and a "fine-tuned" resection of LR based on Quantitative Forced Duction Test scores. MR resection was combined when exotropia exceeded 35PD or for unilateral surgery. We report on patient outcomes 6 months after surgery. Successful results were obtained (-8-+8 PD measured on Alternate Cover Test) among 83% of cases at distance fixation and 91% at near fixation after 6 months. The Newcastle Control Score also improved from 5.8 to 1.7 after 6 months. No surgery-related complications or repeat surgeries were reported. In our experience a majority of exotropias decrease under GA and our strategy of combined RRSM of the LR is effective for the treatment of such exotropias. Long-term follow-up of the cohort is required to investigate the stability of these outcomes, and confirmation of our results by other works.

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