
The overall aim of ComPAS stage 1 was to design a simplified, MUAC-based dosage protocol and statistically assess its theoretical performance providing adequate energy to children recovering from acute malnutrition. During stage 1, the study undertook foundational research, compiling and analysing data obtained from programmes run by Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF-France) in South Sudan during 2010, Action Against Hunger (AAH-USA) in Pakistan during 2012, and International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Chad (2013 & 2014), Kenya (2012, 2013, & 2014), and Yemen (2014). This protocol was later tested in a cluster-randomized controlled trial in Kenya and South Sudan (ComPAS stage 2). This dataset contains information compiled from the various sources during stage 1. Variables include: patient weight and height, presence of oedema, Mid-upper arm circumference, age, country, an indication of whether they are on outpatient therapeutic or supplementary feeding program. We assessed rate of weight and MUAC gain and estimate energy requirements according to MUAC category (MUAC <115mm and MUAC 115mm-<125mm).

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