
The prevalence of cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) dictates the necessity of its in-depth investigation in the patients presenting with the signs of chronic inflammatory diseases of sexual organs. The objective of the present study was to estimate the effectiveness of combined laser therapy of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract accompanied by the reactivation of CMVI concomitant with other infections. The examination of 158 women presenting with cytomegalovirus infection revealed clinical and laboratory characteristics of the microbiocenosis. These data may be used to improve the effectiveness of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for such patients. The combined treatment of the patients with the reactivated form of CMVI using josamycin and doxycycline monohydrate in combination with panavir and low-intensity laser irradiation based at the "Matrix-Urolog" laser complex resulted in the favourable outcome of therapy in the majority of the patients.

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