
AimTo present surgical technique and results of combined laparoscopic and modified posterior sagittal approach (PSAP) saving the external sphincter in the management of rectourethral fistula. MethodsThe operation was started by a laparoscopic approach to dissect around the rectal pouch and separate the rectal pouch from the upper urethra. The PSAP saving the external sphincter was added to completely separate the rectal pouch from the urethra. The fistula was divided and closed. The rectal pouch was then pulled through a tunnel created at the center of the external sphincter and an anoplasty was performed. ResultsFrom September 2011 to September 2012, 19 patients were operated on using the same technique. Mean age of patients was 4.0±1.8months. Rectourethral fistula was located in the prostatic urethra in 15 patients and in the bulbar urethra in 4 patients. The mean operative time was 82±13min. There were no intraoperative complications. Postoperative perforation of the posterior wall of the rectum happened in one patient and required a second laparoscopic operation. Follow-up after closure of colostomy from 1month to 7months revealed all patients were able to pass stool spontaneously. All patients could urinate easily. No urethral fistula or diverticulum was detected on voiding cysto-urethrography. ConclusionsCombined laparoscopic and PSAP saving the external sphincter is the easier and more physiologic approach to manage rectourethral fistula with fewer complications.

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