
In the present study, we examined how sensitivity to oil changes in combination with environmental stressors in Fundulus grandis embryos. We exposed embryos (<24 h post fertilization) to a range of high-energy water accommodated fraction (HEWAF) concentrations (0-50 parts per billion [ppb] total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs]) made from Macondo crude oil in conjunction with various environmental conditions (temperature: 20 and 30 °C; salinity: 3, 7, and 30 practical salinity units [PSU]; and dissolved oxygen: 2 and 6 mg/L). Endpoints included mortality, hatching rates, and expression of cytochrome p450 1a and 1c (cyp1a, cyp1c) in hatched larvae. There was 100% mortality for all fish under the 2 parts per million (ppm) dissolved oxygen regimes. For the 6 mg/L dissolved oxygen treatments, mortality and median lethal time (LT50) were generally higher in the 30 °C treatments versus the 20 °C treatments. Oil increased mortality in fish exposed to the highest concentration in the 20-3-6 (°C-PSU-mg/L), 25-7-6, and 30-30-6 conditions. Hatching was driven by environmental conditions, with oil exposure having a significant impact on hatching in only the 25-7-6 and 30-30-6 groups at the greatest HEWAF exposure. Expression of cyp1a was up-regulated in most treatment groups versus the controls, with cyp1c expression exhibiting a similar pattern. These data suggest interactive effects among temperature, salinity, and PAHs, highlighting a need to further assess the effects of oil exposure under various environmental conditions. Environ Toxicol Chem 2018;37:1916-1925. © 2018 SETAC.

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