
Although aquatic organisms face multiple environmental stressors that may interact to alter adverse outcomes, our knowledge of stressor–stressor interaction on cellular function is limited. We investigated the combined effects of cadmium (Cd), hypoxia-reoxygenation (H-R) and temperature on mitochondrial function. Liver mitochondria from juvenile rainbow trout were exposed to Cd (0–20μM) and H-R (0 and 5min) at 5, 13 and 25°C followed by measurements of mitochondrial Cd load, volume, complex І active (A)↔deactive (D) transition, membrane potential, ROS release and ultrastructural changes. At high temperature Cd exacerbated H-R-imposed reduction of maximal complex I (CI) respiration whereas at low temperature 5 and 10μM stimulated maximal CI respiration post H-R. The basal respiration showed a biphasic response at high temperatures with low Cd concentrations reducing the stimulatory effect of H-R and high concentrations enhancing this effect. At low temperature Cd monotonically enhanced H-R-induced stimulation of basal respiration. Cd and H-R reduced both the P/O ratio and the RCR at all 3 temperatures. Temperature rise alone increased mitochondrial Cd load and toxicity, but combined H-R and temperature exposure reduced mitochondrial Cd load but surprisingly exacerbated the mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial dysfunction induced by H-R was associated with swelling of the organelle and blocking of conversion of CІ D to A form. However, low amounts of Cd protected against H-R induced swelling and prevented the inhibition of H-R-induced CI D to A transition. Both H-R and Cd dissipated mitochondrial membrane potential Δψm and damaged mitochondrial structure. We observed increased reactive oxygen species (H2O2) release that together with the protection afforded by EGTA, vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine against the Δψm dissipation suggested direct involvement of Cd and oxidative stress. Overall, our findings indicate that mitochondrial sensitivity to Cd toxicity was enhanced by the effects of H-R and temperature, and changes in mitochondrial Cd load did not always explain this effect.

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