
The main objective of this study was to examine the combined effect of mastitis and parity on pregnancy loss (PL) in lactating Holstein cows. A secondary objective was to estimate the cost of mastitis including that of PL attributable to mastitis. A total of 1,774 lactation periods from 1,047 Holstein cows with different parities from one dairy farm were included in a matched case-control study. All study cows were diagnosed pregnant by transrectal ultrasonography on day 33 after timed artificial insemination (TAI). Case cows (n = 222 lactations) were those later diagnosed non-pregnant by transrectal palpation on day 47 or 75 after TAI. Control cows (n = 1,552 lactations) were those confirmed pregnant by transrectal palpation on day 75 after TAI. Case cows were matched with eligible controls according to year of calving and calving-to-conception interval (CCI) ± 3 days. Cows with different parities were classified as exposed to subclinical mastitis (somatic cell score (SCS) > 4.5 in at least one Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) test day) or clinical mastitis (with or without evidence of subclinical mastitis) during two exposure periods: 1–42 days before breeding or 1–75 days during gestation (1 to PL diagnosis day in case cows, or 1–75 day in control cows). Conditional logistic regression was used to model the odds of PL as a function of previous exposure to mastitis in different parities. Cost of PL attributable to mastitis ($/case) among cows with mastitis was estimated based on attributable risk calculated in the epidemiologic analysis. We observed a higher than expected combined effect between exposure to mastitis (subclinical or clinical) before breeding and parity 3 or ≥ 4, and during gestation and parity ≥ 4 on PL. The cost of PL attributable to mastitis was highest ($196/case) in cows in parity ≥ 4 affected with clinical mastitis during gestation. Overall, study results indicate the impact of mastitis on PL is higher in older cows (parity ≥ 3). Dairy farmers and attending veterinarians can consider the combined effect of mastitis and parity when evaluating causes for PL and strategies for optimizing reproductive performance in dairy cows.

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