
Among intracranial germ cell tumors, nongerminomatous tumors have proved refractory to conventional treatment with surgery and irradiation. The median survival is less than 2 years. Since 1983, chemotherapy has been delivered in Japan as an adjuvant therapy in patients with intracranial nongerminomatous germ cell tumors. Based on our clinical experience, we undertook a multi-institutional phase II study to establish post-surgical combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy for primary germ cell tumors in the brain. We adopted carboplatin-etoposide (CARB-VP) or cisplatin-etoposide (PE) combination chemotherapy for patients with germinomas and those with tumors that placed them in the intermediate prognosis group, and ifosphamide-cisplatin-etoposide (ICE) for patients with tumors that placed them in the poor prognosis group. One hundred and twelve patients were evaluated. Among patients with germinoma (n = 75), the rate or complete remission after combination therapy was 92.0%; it was 67.8% for patients in the intermediate prognosis group (n = 28). Tumor recurrence was noted in 9 patients with germinoma and 2 patients in the intermediate prognosis group. Of 9 patients with a poor prognosis, 4 experienced disease progression during treatment and died within 10 months. There were no serious complications attributable to the combination therapy. Our treatment protocols are effective for patients with germinomas and those with an intermediate prognosis.

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