
We prove that the complement of a complexified toric arrangement has the homotopy type of a minimal CW-complex, and thus its homology is torsion-free. To this end, we consider the toric Salvetti complex, a combinatorial model for the arrangement's complement. Using diagrams of acyclic categories we obtain a stratification of this combinatorial model that explicitly associates generators in homology to the "local no-broken-circuit sets'' defined in terms of the incidence relations of the arrangement. Then we apply a suitably generalized form of Discrete Morse Theory to describe a sequence of elementary collapses leading from the full model to a minimal complex. On démontre que l’espace complémentaire d’un arrangement torique complexifié a le type d’homotopie d’un complexe CW minimal, donc que ses groupes d’homologie sont libres. On considère d’abord un modèle combinatoire du complémentaire de l’arrangement: le complexe de Salvetti torique. On obtient une stratification de ce complexe qui fait correspondre explicitement les générateurs d’homologie aux “circuits-non-rompus locaux” associés aux relations d’incidence de l’arrangement. On applique une forme généralisée de la théorie de Morse discrète pour obtenir une suite de collapsements élémentaires qui conduit à un complexe minimal.


  • A toric arrangement is a finite collection A = {K1, . . . , Kn} of level sets of characters of the complex torus, i.e., for all i there is a character χi ∈ Hom((C∗)d, C∗) and a ‘level’ ai ∈ C∗ so that Ki = χ−i 1(ai).Toric arrangements play a prominent role in recent work of De Concini, Procesi and Vergne on the link between partition functions and box splines (see e.g. De Concini and Procesi (2010))

  • With the aim of improving these enumerative results towards a more structural description, we look at the combinatorial topology of the complement M (A ) := (C∗)d \ A

  • We prove that for any complexified toric arrangement A, 1365–8050 c 2013 Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS), Nancy, France

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We prove minimality by exhibiting a sequence of elementary collapses on the toric Salvetti complex that leads to a minimal complex To this end, we need to mildly generalize some elements of Discrete Morse Theory in order to be able to work with nonregular CW-complexes or, correspondingly, face categories that are not posets (see Section 5.3). We use diagrams over acyclic categories to prove that every piece of this decomposition is isomorphic to the face category of the stratification of a (smaller dimensional) real torus by a suitable (real) toric arrangement The final step is to patch together the acyclic matchings of the different pieces making sure that they add up to an acyclic matching with the required number of critical cells (Proposition 54)

Face category
Hyperplane arrangements
Covering space
Combinatorics of real hyperplane arrangements
The homotopy type of complexified hyperplane arrangements
The toric Salvetti category
Minimality and torsion-freeness
Local geometry of complexified toric arrangements
Definition of the strata
Discrete Morse Theory for acyclic categories
Perfect acyclic matchings for compact tori
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