
were presented. As a regioisomer of DPP1whose polymers can be used as ambipolar transporters in manycases, DPP2-containing polymers should also exhibit ambipo-larity upon appropriate molecular design which, however, is sofar elusive.In view of the key role of well-established DPP1 and thepotential of DPP2 in the design of conjugated polymersemiconductors, it appears highly appropriate to combine thesetwo isomers in one polymer main chain. Herein, we report acopolymer (PDPP1-DPP2, Figure 1) containing two DPPisomers separated by a bithiophene unit in one polymerbackbone. The two “homo”-polymers (PDPP1 and PDPP2)incorporating only one DPP isomer coupled with bithiopheneare also prepared for studying contribution of each isomer tootpoelectronic behavior of PDPP1-DPP2. Optical and electro-chemical studies indicate that PDPP1-DPP2 exhibits anabsorption band and an energy gap located in between thoseof PDPP1 and PDPP2. OFETs based on PDPP1-DPP2 showambipolar charge carrier transport, affording both hole andelectron mobilities up to 0.02 cm

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