
We studied two mutations of C174T (Met174Tre) and C235T (Met235Tre) of the angiotensinogen gene and mutation C677T (Ala677Val) of the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, as well as their combinations among patients with cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and hypertension, using a complex of modern molecular genetic diagnostic methods. A high frequency of these mutations has been established in the group of patients with severe forms of cardiovascular disorders. Homozygous and compound conditions were found in people with severe diseases. In particular, the heterozygous state of the mutation was found in people with moderate hypertension. It was also found that the presence of close blood relationship between the parents of patients with cardiovascular diseases increases the homozygotization of mutations of the genes AGT and MTGFR in probands. Consequently, such persons are susceptible to the disease or in other words, have an increased risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. For the first time, the frequencies of these mutations in the Azerbaijani population have been determined, which are mostly consistent with the frequencies described in other populations of the world. The studied genetic markers are of interest as genes presumably associated with a wide range of cardiovascular diseases and can be used in further population and epidemiological studies. Therefore, the results of molecular genetic studies obtained by us in people with diseases of the cardiovascular system are of great practical importance. Timely prevention by detecting mutations of C174T, C235T of the AGT gene and C677T of the MTGFR gene in patients will allow doctors to carry out qualified treatment of cardiovascular diseases

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