
Androgenic alopecia is a common genetic disorder that characterized by progressivehair follicles and hair atrophy. Despite all available therapeutic techniques, there is low patient satisfaction rate. It seems finding new treatment options for androgenic alopecia is necessary. In the past decade, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), an autologous collection of concentrated platelets with hemostatic and tissue repairing effects, has received developing attention for androgenetic alopecia treatment as a valuable therapeutic technique. In this study, 8 patients suffering from resistance androgenic alopeciawere enrolled. The PRP and platelet gel were prepared, and a total volume of 10cc of the combination of PRP and platelet gel were injected in the scalp androgen-related areas using 23-gauge syringe. The treatment was performed one month and 3months after first injection (three times). The hair pull test was done before treatment. The outcome was evaluated 3, 6, and 9months after treatment by hair pull test, dermoscopy, photography, and patient's satisfaction. A significant reduction in hair loss was observed before and after treatment. Hair count (density) increased from average number of 72 (hair/cm2 ) to 210hair/cm2 ). Also, the hair diameter was significantly increased before and after treatment for all patients (p<0.05).After the treatment, the pull test was significantly decreased in 8 patients (p<0.05). This study supports the combination therapy of PRP and platelet gel for resistance androgenic alopecia treatment. This technique is an uncomplicated, feasible, and cost-effective treatment option for resistance androgenic alopecia, with high patient satisfaction.

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