
Globally, it is possible that less than half of all patients are treated in compliance with guidelines and more than half of all patients fail to take their medicines as prescribed or dispensed. Such inappropriate use is wasteful of resources and causes patient harm in terms of lack of satisfactory outcome, serious adverse events and increased antimicrobial resistance. Combating inappropriate use of medicines involves four major steps: measuring the use of medicines; identifying the determinants of inappropriate use; developing, implementing and evaluating the impact of interventions to improve the use of medicines while taking into account the factors underlying inappropriate use; and working towards an enabling policy framework that encourages appropriate use. Global evidence on how to effectively combat inappropriate use of medicines is discussed herein, with reference to the aforementioned four steps. Most interventions undertaken to combat inappropriate use of medicines have been educational in nature, have had a relatively small impact and have not taken into account the determinants of behavior. A combination of interventions, involving managerial as well as educational components, appears to be more effective than a single intervention. Less than half of countries have a policy framework that actively encourages appropriate use of medicines. Since health systems are varied and complex, a nationally coordinated package of interventions and policies, contextualized to each country, will be needed to have any substantial impact on medicine use. There is now increasing global awareness of the need to strengthen health systems, to have national coordination to combat inappropriate use of medicines and to have coordination of international aid to developing countries in order to ensure it contributes to combating inappropriate use of medicines. The opportunities this presents for combating inappropriate use of medicines are discussed in this article.

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