
The recent prevalence of machine learning-based techniques and smart device embedded sensors has enabled widespread human-centric sensing applications. However, these applications are vulnerable to false data injection attacks (FDIA) that alter a portion of the victim's sensory signal with forged data comprising a targeted trait. Such a mixture of forged and valid signals successfully deceives the continuous authentication system (CAS) to accept it as an authentic signal. Simultaneously, introducing a targeted trait in the signal misleads human-centric applications to generate specific targeted inference; that may cause adverse outcomes. This paper evaluates the FDIA's deception efficacy on sensor-based authentication and human-centric sensing applications simultaneously using two modalities - accelerometer, blood volume pulse signals. We identify variations of the FDIA such as different forged signal ratios, smoothed and non-smoothed attack samples. Notably, we present a novel attack detection framework named Siamese-MIL that leverages the Siamese neural networks' generalizable discriminative capability and multiple instance learning paradigms through a unique sensor data representation. Our exhaustive evaluation demonstrates Siamese-MIL's real-time execution capability and high efficacy in different attack variations, sensors, and applications.

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