
The internet has become “the primary tool for criminal organizations to advertise, communicate and conduct sales of counterfeit pharmaceuticals”, according to a July 11, 2006 report from the US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But the internet is also being used to combat the counterfeit drug problem, and SafeMedicines.org, which links to the US ICE report, is among the leaders in this effort. SafeMedicines.org was created by the Partnership for Safe Medicines, a group of organisations and individuals that have policies in place to protect consumers from fake drugs. Its site features a prodigious amount of information in the form of news, reports, alerts, and resources related to counterfeit drugs organised by continent. Dora Akunyili: battling against counterfeit drugsDora Akunyili is Director General of Nigeria's National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC). Her efforts to purge Nigeria of counterfeit drugs has led to worldwide acclaim. She has been profiled in Time, Newsweek, and other national and international media, and is a recipient of the 2005 British Grassroots Human Rights Award. On September 19, 2006, she will address drug-discovery scientists at a Global Health Forum hosted by the Society for Biomolecular Sciences in Seattle, Washington, USA. Full-Text PDF Counterfeit anti-infective drugsThe production of counterfeit or substandard anti-infective drugs is a widespread and under-recognised problem that contributes to morbidity, mortality, and drug resistance, and leads to spurious reporting of resistance and toxicity and loss of confidence in health-care systems. Counterfeit drugs particularly affect the most disadvantaged people in poor countries. Although advances in forensic chemical analysis and simple field tests will enhance drug quality monitoring, improved access to inexpensive genuine medicines, support of drug regulatory authorities, more open reporting, vigorous law enforcement, and more international cooperation with determined political leadership will be essential to counter this threat. Full-Text PDF

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