
The IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) has released a New TIS on “Health and Safety Issues Concerning Exposure of the General Public to Electromagnetic Energy from 5G Wireless Communications Networks.” My colleague Bob Olsen, also an Associate Editor of the EMC Magazine, provided a related article to this activity, “RF Safety Regulation Background Relevant to 5G” in the last issue of the EMC Magazine, 2nd Quarter 2020, Volume 9, Issue 2. Associate Editor's Note — The following information is an abridged version of the full TIS. All errors and omissions are solely the Associate Editor's responsibility. Thanks to the COMAR authors of this paper for their efforts in putting together the TIS on this important topic. The full TIS can be found at the COMAR web page — https://ewh.ieee.org/soc/embs/comar/.

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