
ComA is a response regulator protein of Bacillus subtilis which is required for the transcription of several genes which are involved in late-growth expression and in responses to environmental stress. Among these genes are degQ, gsiA, and srfA. The last is an operon needed for the development of genetic competence, surfactin production, and normal sporulation. We show here that partially purified ComA protein, isolated from an overproducing Escherichia coli strain, is phosphorylated in vitro by incubation with acetyl phosphate and that ComA could bind specifically to a DNA fragment containing the promoter of srfA and associated sequences. The binding affinity is enhanced when ComA is phosphorylated. DNase I protection analysis identified two protected sites located upstream from the srfA promoter. The presence of DNase I-hypersensitive bonds induced by ComA binding which are located between the protected sequences is consistent with a model for ComA action involving the bending of DNA.

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