
THE IMPULSE for this paper came from an article of 1939 by Charles E. Nowell entitled, Columbus Question: A Survey of Recent Literature and Present Opinion. It seemed that the lapse of more than a quarter-century, a period which saw the publication of what many reviewers considered the definitive work, warranted a new look at the outpourings which still show no sign of diminishing. Historians have asked the question: Will the Lincoln theme ever be exhausted? The same question might well be asked concerning the Columbus theme, and the same negative reply would have to be offered for much the same reasons. The great though very different achievements of these two individuals continue to stir men's souls and to provoke questions. If the truth, or more of the truth, can be gained from continued investigation, then the cause and purpose of history will be served. Nowell's article has been described as a lucid and fair if somewhat agnostic and pessimistic review of the controversial issues in Columbus scholarship.2 He agreed with Roberto Almagia and Angel de Altolaguirre that questions of the date and place of Columbus' birth should be laid to rest forever, and that his Genoese origin was overwhelmingly proved by the documents reproduced in 1931 by the city of Genoa.3 As will be shown in this paper, the question of Columbus' birthplace has not been laid completely to rest, and, as it will also be evident, we are not even sure where his bones lie today. As for preColumbian discoveries of America, they must still be regarded as possible but not conclusively proved. To the historian the most gratifying development in Columbus scholarship during the past twenty-five years has been the rediscovery * The author is Assistant Professor of History at Fairleigh Dickinison UIliversity. 1 Charles E. Nowell, Columbus Question: A Survey of Recent Literature and Present Opiilion,'' American Historical Review, XLIV (July 1939), 802-822. 2 Donald H. Mugridge, Christopher Columbus: A Selected List of Books and Articles by American Authors or Published in America, 1892-1950 (Washington, 1950). 8 Citta di Genova, Commissione Colombiana, Cristoforo Colombo: Documenti e prove della sua appartenza (Bergamo, 1931).

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