
The Columbia River fault zone extends for 250 km from south of Nakusp, through Revelstoke, to north of Bigmouth Creek. It is a composite fault zone, which dips 20–30° easterly and separates major tectonic elements. The structurally lowest element is the Monashee Complex, which includes the culminations of Pinnacle Peaks, Thor–Odin, and Frenchman Cap. At Hoskins Creek, the Monashee décollement splays westward from the fault zone and then runs southward along the western margin of the Monashee Complex. On the east side, the Selkirk allochthon is a composite of four tectonic slices. Its western part consists of Clachnacudainn, Goldstream, and French Creek slices forming the hanging wall of the Columbia River fault zone. The remainder of the allochthon forms the highest and largest Illecillewaet slice, which may be composite.The fault zone retains evidence of a long history of movement extending from the mid-Mesozoic to Eocene. Early deformation formed a mylonite zone up to 1 km wide in which rocks recrystallized under greenschist facies conditions. The displacement truncated major folds and metamorphic isograds that had developed in the Middle Jurassic. Orientation of slickensides, fiber growth, and strain features in the mylonite indicates normal, dip-slip displacement with the slices of the hanging wall moving eastward. South of Revelstoke, the Galena Bay stock, dated at 150 Ma, apparently intruded the zone and gives a minimum age for early displacement that must be in the Late Jurassic.Late displacement caused intense fracturing, folding of mylonite, and development of gouge zones. These features are well exposed at the Revelstoke damsite, continue north of Revelstoke, but diminish in importance southward. Late movement was again normal, dip-slip with the hanging wall moving eastward; it probably ended in the Eocene. No fault scarps or disrupted drainages have been observed, and at several localities glacial sediments lie undisturbed across the fault zone, indicating a lack of postglacial movement.Metamorphic zones, juxtaposed along the fault, imply a minimum dip-slip displacement of 15–25 km. Displacement in this range poses stratigraphic and metamorphic problems, which are alleviated if displacement is in excess of 80 km. The tectonic slices east of the Columbia River fault zone are part of an allochthonous cover that was transported at least tens of kilometres eastward over the Shuswap and Monashee complexes during the Late Jurassic.

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